North Dakota Republican Candidates Have 584% More Campaign Cash Than Democrats

Earlier in this election cycle I’ve written about the advantage North Dakota Democrats have over the NDGOP when it comes to fundraising at the party level. But I’ve noted in those posts that because Republicans have so many incumbent candidates – every single statewide office, in fact – that party fundraising numbers don’t really give an accurate picture.
In order to see an accurate representation of political fundraising in the state, you have to include the candidates.
Well, the statewide candidates have filed their first reports of the 2014 cycle and Republicans have a truly enormous advantage. Looking at the ending fund balances for each statewide candidate, the two political candidates and the two US House candidates through May 1st (March 31st for the federal candidates), Republicans have outraised Democrats by a daunting 584 percent.
Here’s what that looks like as a graph:
Here’s a breakdown of the ending balances by candidate/political party:
I chose to measure the candidates/parties by cash on hand, because I think that’s probably the most important metric at this point in the cycle. The parties have endorsed their candidates, none of whom are facing primary challengers, but the campaigns really haven’t begun in earnest yet.
So what we’re looking at is the resources each candidate has as the election season begins in earnest. And Republicans have a heavy, heavy advantage.
The only races where things are close is the Secretary of State race, where neither Democrat April Fairfield or Republican Al Jaeger has raised much money, and the Agriculture Commission race.
Democrat Ryan Taylor has outraised every other Democrat on the statewide ballot – including, somewhat humorously, House candidate George Sinner – but he’s still operating at a more than $65,000 deficit in cash on hand compared to Republican incumbent Doug Goehring.
Which isn’t to say that race won’t be close. I think it’s going to be the most competitive race in the state. Still, looking at the Democrats’ slate of statewide candidates, it’s clear they’re having trouble getting traction.
These campaign financials indicate a slate of liberal candidates who, outside of Taylor, aren’t being taken very seriously.