Senate Approves Bill To Expand Sale Of Fireworks In North Dakota

It got overshadowed by the abortion bills considered in the House, but in the Senate yesterday HB1259 introduced by Rep. Blair Thoreson was debated and passed on a narrow 24-23 vote.
This wasn’t the bottle rocket ban – that’s HB1257. Rather, HB1259 expands the dates on which fireworks can be sold. Under current law fireworks can only be sold from June 27th through July 5th. The legislation, if signed by the governor, would add December 26th through January 1st to those dates, presumably so that people may celebrate the New Year with fireworks as well.
Here’s video of the floor debate:
One of the concerns brought up by Senator Dick Dever during the floor debate was the prospect of temporary fireworks stands heating their tents and sheds full of fireworks with portable heaters. That’s an obvious concern, but an argument for allowing the sale of fireworks year-round I think.
If the market for fireworks wasn’t restricted to mere days per year, more fireworks dealers might be able to sell out of more permanent and safer structures.