Podcast: Lara Trump Says It’s a “Very Smart Move” for Heitkamp to “Get on the Trump Train”

I had Lara Trump on the radio show today. She’s daughter-in-law to President Donald Trump and works on his campaign planning rallies such as the one to be held in Fargo tomorrow.
We spoke about the political dynamics around the President’s visit to North Dakota. She told me it is “a very smart move” for Senator Heidi Heitkamp to align herself so closely with the President. Heitkamp, her campaign, and the North Dakota Democratic Party have been working overtime to paint the incumbent Senator as a dependable ally of the Trump administration.
“Anybody who wants to get on the Trump train” is welcome, Lara Trump told me.
She encouraged North Dakotans to attend the rally in Fargo, saying Trump’s events are “unlike anything you’ll ever experience.”
I also spoke with John Pudner, executive director of Take Back our Republic, about his support for the ethics commission ballot measure which will likely be on the November ballot.
Here’s the full audio of today’s show. If you can’t listen live, get the podcast.
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