Open Thread Town Hall With Senator John Hoeven On Tuesday

So far we’ve done open thread town halls here on SAB with Rep. Kevin Cramer and Libertarian Party House candidate Jack Seaman, and they’ve gone pretty well.
I’ve scheduled a third town hall, this time with Senator John Hoeven.
It’ll take place next week on Tuesday at 7:00pm.
The format will be the same as the others. I’ll put up an open thread about an hour before, around 6:00pm. You can then begin submitting your questions in the comment section. At 7:00pm, the Senator will join and begin answering the questions. He’s agreed to give us an hour of your time.
As always, this thread will be moderated a bit more closely than our usual just-about-anything-goes comments. To avoid confusion, any comment that is not a question for the Senator (or that is rude or abusive) will be removed.