RNC Chairman Reince Priebus To Address NDGOP Convention

North Dakota Democrats had Minnesota Congressman Colin Peterson address their state convention this weekend. Today I can confirm that Republican National Committee Chairman Reience Priebus will be addressing the NDGOP convention this coming weekend.
North Dakota Republican National Committeeman Curly Haugland told me via phone this morning that Priebus has been confirmed as the convention’s keynote speaker.
The convention will be held in Minot from the 4th to the 6th in Minot. The party’s information page for the convention is here.
On Saturday, the day when Peterson addressed the convention and House candidate George Sinner received his endorsement, Democrats seated 460 delegates out of a maximum of 750.
On March 29th NDGOP executive director Jason Flohrs told me via email that his party has “over 800” delegates signed up to attend so far with signups continuing (the party sent out an email over the weekend calling for more delegates).
The question will be how many get seated at the convention. Not all delegates who sign up actually attend.
Update: Flohrs emails to say his party has over 1,000 delegates registered to attend the convention with one day left to sign up.