Matt Damon's Anti-Fracking Movie Seemingly On Its Way To A Flop

Matt Damon has become something of an anti-fracking activist. His new movie, Promised Land
, takes aim at oil and gas drilling technique, no doubt hoping to do for fracking what The China Syndrome
did for nuclear energy.
The movie is about an oil industry land man who is out to swindle property owners into letting oil companies “frack” (drill for oil”) on their land.
So how is the movie doing? We don’t have any box office numbers, but according to top movie review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes neither viewers nor professional movie critics are all that impressed:

I haven’t seen the movie yet (I want to, I generally like both Damon and John Krasinski), but I don’t think this one is destined to be a box office success. Which is a relief. Fracking has become important not just to North Dakota’s economy but the nation’s. The last thing we need is a regulatory and legal assault spurred by Hollywood-manufactured hysteria.