Governor Jack Dalrymple Has Signed 46% Of Introduced Bills So Far

When the legislature convenes today, it will be the 76th day of the legislative session. That leaves just four more days before the legislature hits the constitutionally-mandated, 80-day limit.
The House considered 467 bills in the first half of the session, and passed 326 of them for a 74.1% rate.
The Senate considered 375 bills and passed 278, for a 69.8% rate.
Both chambers combined to consider 842 bills and passed 604 of them for a 71.7% pass rate at the halfway point.
Now that we’re down to the nitty gritty, and the chambers are reconciling the bills passed in each chamber so they can be sent to the governor, those rates are coming down a bit. With 50 bills left, Governor Jack Dalrymple has already singed into law 390 of the bills sent to him for a 46.3% rate.
If he were to sign all 50 remaining bills into law, that would mean the legislative session ended with 52.2% of the bills introduced becoming law. Not counting the constitutional resolutions passed by the legislature – there are five so far – which need approval by the voters.