Audio: NDFB Pres. Says Bill Requiring Permission to Enter Land Is About “Respect, Safety, and Private Property”

“This bill is about respect, safety, and private property,” North Dakota Farm Bureau President Daryl Lies told me on the radio during an interview yesterday (audio is below).
The legislation he’s talking about is SB2225, introduced by Republican Senator Don Schaible of Mott. It would end the requirement that land owner post their land to keep people like hunters off. Instead, it would require that those wanting to access the land get permission from the owner.
Lies told me it “puts in place the inherent private property right we should all be entitled to in this country.”
He said that asking permission to enter land is something “a good, ethical sportsman” does any way “regardless if it’s posted or not.”
I asked Lies about concerns that it would be too hard for people wanting access to land to track down property owners, and he said the solution would be to put together a database of land owners who want their land to be open. He said there is a “big opportunity” for land owners and groups representing outdoors enthusiasts to work together on a project like that.
When I asked him about some landowners expressing concerns about getting too many calls during hunting season from people wanting access to their land, his answer was for them to “post it as open.”
But he said when it comes to closing the property down, “let’s not put the onus on the property owners.”
Here’s our full interview:
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