Maybe 100 Protesters At University Of North Dakota "Siouxper Drunk" March


A SAB reader was kind enough to send these photos in of the protest march at the University of North Dakota today.

Looking at the photos, I’m guessing maybe about 100 attendees, which isn’t too bad of a turnout given the short notice and the fact that most students had finals today.

A group of UND administrators announced that they would be attending the event to show solidarity with the protesters who are calling for, among other things, mandatory sensitivity training for all incoming UND students and censorship policies for the controversial “Fighting Sioux” logo and nickname. UND President Robert Kelley also addressed the crowd, I’m told

But UND spokesman Peter Johnson told me earlier today the administrators participating in the protest weren’t representing the university, maybe a way do distance the university itself from the calls for censorship.

Update: Commenter Dave below posted this bird’s eye view of the protest.
