There was never a very good case for term limits in North Dakota anyway

MINOT, N.D. — A ballot measure aimed at amending North Dakota’s constitution to implement term limits for the governor and state lawmakers will not, barring some intervention from the courts, be on the statewide ballot in November.
Secretary of State Al Jaeger found a laundry list of problems with the signatures collected for the measure that indicate, if we’re being charitable, a deep and pervasive sort of incompetence in the petitioning process that resulted in tens of thousands of disqualifications.
Less charitably, it sure seems like a calculated fraud was perpetrated.
The committee behind the measure, which includes U.S. Senate candidate Rick Becker and his campaign consultant Jared Hendrix, have the courts available to them to settle that dispute.
As that process plays out, we should remind ourselves that it was never clear that North Dakota needs term limits.