Print Column: Trump’s Next Visit to North Dakota Should Be to Indian Country

President Donald Trump enters Scheels Arena in Fargo on Wednesday, June 27, 2018. David Samson / The Forum
MINOT, N.D. — “What have you got to lose?”
That was President Donald Trump’s entreaty to North Dakota’s Native American voters during a recent visit to Fargo in support of Congressman Kevin Cramer’s campaign to unseat incumbent Senator Heidi Heitkamp.
It’s an echo of a similar argument Trump has made to black voters, and as you might imagine it had Heitkamp’s liberal base sneering.
Though the candidate herself might like to posture herself in election years as a “work with anyone” moderate, the core of her political support comes from people who accept that dissent from liberal orthodoxy is bigotry as a part of their ideological catechism.
When Trump has the audacity to suggest non-white voters might have something to gain from eschewing their tradition of voting mostly for Democrats he is speaking heresy as far as our liberal friends are concerned.
Why not lean into it?