Podcast: Stenhejem Talks Opioids Lawsuit, Line 3 Supporter Talks Pipeline, Cramer Takes Calls

Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem joined me on the radio show to discuss the lawsuit he’s filed on behalf of the State of North Dakota against Purdue Pharma, the company which introduced America to Oxycontin.
Stenehjem contends that the company committed “consumer fraud” in lying about how addictive the drug is, among other things. He said the company is guilty of “creating a false narrative.”
They “launched a massive PR program saying…that these narcotic pills are not addictive,” Stenehjem told me. He said that Oxycontin is “very effective for short term, acute pain” but that the company mislead doctors and the public in saying the drug was fine for long term treatment.
He said he is seeking “a settlement of money to set up some affordable treatment programs” in the state.
I also spoke with Bob Schoneberger, the founder of Minnesotans for Line 3. He talks about his support for Enbridge’s Line 3 Replacement project which is currently winding through the Minnesota regulatory process.
Congressman Kevin Cramer took calls during his weekly open phones segment. One of the calls sure sounded like a plant. Someone reading from a script, who mispronounced “Koch Brothers.” Listen and see what you think.
Here’s the full audio of today’s show. If you can’t listen live, get the podcast.
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