Podcast: Non-Citizen Voting Ballot Measure Has Approximately 15,000 Signatures and $100,000 From an Out of State Mystery Group
Owner Gary Emineth talks about how customers will order either their burgers or burritos Thursday at Padrón Chile in Grand Forks. Photo by Tim Albrecht/Grand Forks Herald
Gary Emineth joined me on the radio show today to talk about the ballot measure he’s backing which amends North Dakota’s constitution to ban non-citizen voting (read it at the link).
Emineth, who is also running for the state Senate as a Republican in Bismarck, responded to some critics of the measure who say it’s unnecessary. He also said that they’ve collected about 15,000 of the nearly 27,000 signatures they need to put the issue on the ballot, with some of those signatures being collected by paid petitioners.
[mks_pullquote align=”left” width=”300″ size=”24″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#000000″]”I reached out to a group that I know about for their participation,” Emineth told me of this mystery entity. “They’ve helped raise about $100,000 out of state.”[/mks_pullquote]
How are they paying for that? Emineth acknowledged that his effort has received about $100,000 of “out of state” funding but wouldn’t disclose to me where the money is coming from when I asked.
“I reached out to a group that I know about for their participation,” Emineth told me of this mystery entity. “They’ve helped raise about $100,000 out of state.”
I pushed Emineth to disclose the name of this group, pointing out that it will inevitably have to be a part of financial disclosures mandated by state law anyway, but he declined.
I also spoke with Nancy Johnson from the Soybean Growers Association about the on-going trade right with China.
Here’s the full audio of today’s show. If you can’t listen live, get the podcast.
[fcc_jw_podcast key=”fyN3KQyp” /]