Podcast: First Lady Kathryn Helgaas Burgum, Congressman Kevin Cramer

The audio from today’s radio show is below. Remember you can subscribe to the podcast and have it delivered directly to your devices by clicking here.
First Lady Kathryn Helgaas Burgum joined to talk about the new Office of Recovery Reinvented which Governor Doug Burgum created yesterday through an executive order. It will be funded by donations (including a donation of the Governor’s own salary) and will be an “advocacy office” aimed at removing the “shame and stigma” of addiction.
Also Congressman Kevin Cramer was on for his weekly open phones segment. We talked about the controversy Democrats are trying to manufacture over his hiring of family, including his wife Kris Cramer, to work for his campaigns. He said it was “admirable” for politicians to hire family. I asked him about Senator Kent Conrad calling his payments to family for campaign work “reprehensible” and Cramer suggested that Conrad might not have room to talk.
“He’s a guy who left office under an ethical cloud,” Cramer told me pointing out that Conrad was “on the list of people who got VIP loans” in the Countrywide Mortgage scandal.
He also addressed Democrats demanding an Office of Congressional Ethics investigation into a tweet he sent from his official Congressional Twitter account. I asked Cramer if he regretted sending the tweet. “I regret giving them the opportunity to make a stink about it.”
Here’s the full audio:
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