Podcast: AG Stenehjem Says There Isn’t “Any Truth” in Accusations of Voter Suppression From Democrats

Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem joined me on air today to discuss the on-going litigation over North Dakota’s voter ID laws. He pointed out that the state has been largely winning the case, noting that the judge is allowing the law as enacted in 2017 to be largely enforced. That means voters can still sign an affidavit attesting to their identity in lieu of showing an ID, but that ballot won’t count unless the voter comes up with valid ID within six days after the election.
There is still some wrangling over the question of ID’s, however. The federal judge in the case has said the state can’t require that ID’s have physical addresses on them, but Stenehjem says that defeats the purpose of the ID.
His office is in the process of appealing. “We think we’ve got a good argument here,” he said.
Recently Democrats have been touting a report from The Nation, a far-left publication which promotes progressive policy agendas, which suggests that North Dakota’s efforts at reforming voting laws are about voter suppression.
“I don’t think there’s any truth in any of that,” Stenehjem told me.
Here’s the full interview:
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