Maybe the Legislature Should Let Medical Marijuana Proponents Live With Their Stupid Ballot Measure

In their latest bout of insufferable belly aching, the proponents of legal medical marijuana in North Dakota are now threatening legal action over legislative handling of the issue.
“We don’t believe that the state Legislature needs or wants a lawsuit concerning (the medical marijuana law),” Riley Ray Morgan, the organizer behind last year’s initiated measure, told the House Human Services Committee yesterday. “Our committee doesn’t really want to do a repeal and replace initiated measure in two years.”
[mks_pullquote align=”right” width=”300″ size=”24″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#000000″]Our lawmakers won’t do that, because most of them are good public servants with a genuine desire to serve the public well, but it would serve Morgan and his allies right if they did.[/mks_pullquote]
We should remember that the Legislature took up the issue of medical marijuana this session, after it won overwhelmingly on the ballot last year, because Morgan and his fellow activists did such a horrendous job drafting their measure that it didn’t even decriminalize medical marijuana.
That was just one of the many, many problems with the measure. When North Dakotans went to the polls they overwhelmingly approved the concept of legal marijuana. Lawmakers are working on fixing the very poorly written ballot measure so that they can deliver to legal access to medical marijuana to the public.
And they’re doing this despite the whining and threats of cranks like Morgan.
But if Morgan is going to start threatening lawsuits, maybe lawmakers should just drop the matter. Maybe they should let the public live with Morgan’s measure, which very specifically does not deliver access to marijuana because, again, it was very stupidly written.
Our lawmakers won’t do that, because most of them are good public servants, but it would serve Morgan and his allies right if they did.