LIVE at 11:10 A.m.: Congressman Kelly Armstrong Talks to Rob Port After Visit to the Southern Border Crisis Zone

There is perhaps no political conflagration in America more intractable than our debate over border security and immigration.
In the long run, we need policies that facilitate lawful immigration while giving no quarter to illegal entry into our country.
In the here and now, we have a crisis at the southern border, with thousands upon thousands captured and detained while trying to make an illegal crossing, and thousands more successfully entering our country outside of our laws.
North Dakota Congressman Kelly Armstrong visited the southern border this week and will share what he saw, and what we ought to do about it, on this episode of Plain Talk Live.
“When we are talking to local law enforcement and local city officials, it becomes very clear that we have a broken immigration system,” he said in a press release about the visit. “These are communities built on immigration. These aren’t partisan issues down here. They are community issues and public safety issues. Because of the Federal government’s failure to act, we are asking more of our local law enforcement agencies. That is taking away from citizens in these communities. It is taking away from deputies and their families and what they do.”
“We have to do a better job of providing resources to the communities, law enforcement agents, and the people who are dealing with this emergency. We have to do a much better job of talking about this issue and how it affects everybody who lives in border towns and everybody who lives across the country,” he continued.
Audio of this interview will also be available on the Plain Talk podcast, available on your favorite podcasting service. Click here for more information.