Largest North Dakota Insurer Fined $60,000 For Obamacare-Related Infractions

North Dakota Insurance Commissioner Adam Hamm’s office sent out a press release this morning announcing a fine for Noridian, the parent company of Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota, in the amount of $60,000 for a series of infractions.
You can read the full press release here. The consent order is below.
The first count of the consent order concerns BCBSND dropping “children” under the age of 26 from their parent’s health insurance plans after Obamacare became law despite other provisions in state law:
The second count found that BCBSND denied coverage based on medical reasons for people under the age of 19, which isn’t allowed under Obamacare:
The third count is related to Noridian not honoring discounts they advertised:
The fourth count is related to Noridian being something less than forthright with Commissioner Hamm about the third count:
The fifth count is related to Noridian not properly negotiating settlements in no-fault automobile accidents. The sixth count is related to Noridian improperly denying claims for mental health and addiction counseling services:
Noridian CEO Tim Huckle has, by signing the consent order, acknowledged these infractions and waived his company’s right to an appeal thus agreeing to pay the fine.
This is the cap for what’s been a tough year for Noridian. Back in the spring the company canned former CEO Paul von Ebers for, among other things, taking the company on an adventure in trying to set up Maryland’s Obamacare exchange, a debacle that lost the company millions and is still tied up in court.