Cramer On Boehner Resignation: "House Will Have To Settle For Someone Less Courageous And Steady"

Speaker of the House John Boehner shocked the political world today by announcing his resignation not just from the speakership but from his seat in the House.
Rep. Kevin Cramer, for whom Boehner has campaigned in the past, issued this statement reacting to the news:
John Boehner announced his resignation with the same class indicative of his term as Speaker. With humility and grace he exits public life with more concern for his colleagues, his country and the institution he has served so well than he has for himself. He set an example for all of us that few of us are capable of matching. His selflessness is rare among his friends and nonexistent among his critics. I am better for knowing John Boehner and the House will have to settle for someone less courageous and steady than he is. But the House of Representatives will heal and so will those of us feeling a little sad today. John reminded us of what service means when he prayed the Prayer of St. Francis at Conference this morning. Kris joins me in thanking our friend and colleague John Boehner for all he does for us and North Dakota and the nation.
Elsewhere it was reported that Cramer was emotional over Boehner’s announcement:
Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) came out teary-eyed and started choking up when asked what he thought of Boehner’s resignation. Cramer said that Boehner recited the prayer of Saint Francis when announcing his resignation to House Republicans Friday morning.
“It’s kind of like the announcement of a death,” Cramer said.
“A lot of really small people look smaller, and he looks bigger,” he said. “And why not, why not let the guy who’s always taken all the slings and arrows for us, take it one more time.”
Boehner wasn’t well liked among conservatives, if I may be excused a colossal understatement, and Cramer’s statement in support is likely to earn him some criticism from that quarter. But then, Cramer has never been someone afraid to say exactly what is on his mind.