Chairman Rick Berg: The NDGOP Is Stronger Than Ever

Former U.S. Rep. Rick Berg, R-N.D., talks about his life after leaving office during an interview Friday, May 10, 2013, in Fargo. Michael Vosburg / Forum Photo Editor
This guest post was submitted by NDGOP Chairman Rick Berg
The eyes of the nation are on North Dakota as we approach this November’s general election. Campaigns for our critically important Senate seat, open House seat, and several statewide elected offices have all drawn the interest of voters, advocacy groups, and political pundits from across the country. Most importantly, these races and the 23 legislative districts on the ballot in November will have a sizeable impact on the future of our state – which is why the North Dakota Republican Party has taken unprecedented steps to expand and enhance its infrastructure.
Our collective success is not artificial: it is the result of a purposeful choice by North Dakota voters who want a party that supports them. The efforts of our volunteer base and Republicans everywhere will be the reason for our electoral success in November.
Taking our message straight to the front door, NDGOP volunteer teams have already knocked over 100,000 doors and made nearly 150,000 phone calls. To make this happen, our teams have held over 1,000 one-on-one meetings with other volunteers and have activated and trained hundreds more in every corner of the state. Every day, these teams are continuing to talk to more voters than ever before in our party’s history. The momentum is certainly on our side.
Additionally, we have established a strong communications department tasked with advancing our candidates’ winning message while directly engaging with voters through new mediums. Our communications team is uniquely positioned to successfully promote our candidates and issues.
The message being crafted by our communications team and delivered directly to voters by our incredible field team is a winning message for North Dakota. Our focus on economic success, regulatory relief, affordable health care, respect for the rule of law, and an all-the-above energy approach is what North Dakotans want from their elected officials.
This is why the North Dakota Republican Party is well equipped to deliver results in November and put forward an agenda the people support – but it is all for not if we fail to activate our grassroot Republicans. With the infrastructure now in place, we need even more Republicans from all across the state to step in and join our efforts – you can get started at
Please join the ranks of hundreds of volunteers who are already in place so together we can ensure the NDGOP is stronger than ever and ready for victory on election day.