47 inspectors general sign letter blasting obstruction by ‘most transparent administration’


By C.J. Ciaramella | Washington Free Beacon

At least three government agencies obstructed independent investigations into alleged wrongdoing, according to a letter sent to congressional oversight leaders Tuesday by 47 independent federal watchdogs.

The 47 Inspectors General said the Justice Department, the Peace Corps, and the Chemical Safety Board withheld information from their offices, citing various privileges.

“We have learned that the Inspectors General for the Peace Corps, the Environmental Protection Agency (in his role as Inspector General for the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board) and the Department of Justice have recently faced restrictions on their access to certain records available to their agencies that were needed to perform their oversight work in critical areas,” the letter said. “These restrictive readings of the IG Act represent potentially serious challenges to the authority of every Inspector General and our ability to conduct our work thoroughly, independently, and in a timely manner.”

at Washington Free Beacon.