Women is office are ‘more honorable and ethical,’ NM candidate says


“MORE HONORABLE AND ETHICAL:” A candidate for city council in Santa Fe, N.M., says female elected officials are more cooperative and ethical than men.

By Rob Nikolewski │ New Mexico Watchdog

SANTA FE, N.M. – A candidate for the Santa Fe City Council has mailed a flier urging voters to support her in a race against two men, because, she says, women make better public servants.

Mary Bonney, an art gallery owner on trendy Canyon Road and a candidate for District 2 in the state capital, cites five reasons to vote for women, including: They are “more responsive to constituents,” “more focused on cooperation” and “have proven to be more honorable and ethical.”

Here’s the flier:

The flier also quotes Margaret Thatcher, who said, “If you want something said ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.”

When asked if the flier may alienate men in her district, Bonney said, “It certainly wasn’t meant to intend to offend men, for sure.”

But if a man sent out a flier saying men are more responsive to constituents, more focused on cooperation and are more honorable and ethical, wouldn’t that risk the ire of women voters?

“I don’t agree it’s sexist,” Bonney told New Mexico Watchdog. “I don’t agree with it, but I don’t think it would be seen as sexist. I think you’re reading way too much into this, into the gender part of it.”

On the front of the flier, Bonney attacks opponents Rad Acton and Joe Maestas, labeling them as “Bad Boys.”

Santa Fe’s municipal elections is Tuesday.

Contact Rob Nikolewski at rnikolewski@watchdog.org and follow him on Twitter @robnikolewski

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