Whoops: “I’m an FDR Republican” Says Democratic Senator Heidi Heitkamp

After President Donald Trump’s visit to Fargo last night the folks at CNN caught up with Senator Heidi Heitkamp who was the target of much criticism from the President.
Heitkamp, of course, has been spending this election cycle trying to paint herself as a conservative Democrat and a Trump ally. Or, you know, a Republican.
And during the CNN interview she actually came right out and called herself a Republican. “I just think that you have to be who you are,” she said. “At the end of the day, I’m an FDR Republican.”
To the video:
Obviously a slip. Heitkamp later corrected herself. “Or a Democrat!” she said.
Still, perhaps a telling slip up from a Democrat who desperately needs red state North Dakota voters to not associate her with the national Democratic brand.