Whoops: House Candidate Tom Campbell’s Campaign Still Sending Out Mailers for the U.S. Senate Race

Tom Campbell announces his candidacy for the U.S. House during a U.S. Senate campaign rally for N.D. Rep. Kevin Cramer on Friday, Feb. 16, 2018, at the Ramada in Bismarck. Michael Vosburg / Forum Photo Editor
State Senator Tom Campbell has spent a lot of his own money on what was first a campaign for the U.S. Senate and then, once Republican Congressman Kevin Cramer announced his Senate campaign, a campaign for the U.S. House. The last public disclosure of campaign finances shows that Campbell given his own campaign, through the end of 2017, more than three quarters of a million dollars.
That’s about three times what he received from individual donors.
What has that bought him? A lot of ham-handed campaign professionals, it seems. Despite hiring high-profile campaign consultants from out of state like Chip Englander, Campbell’s campaign has been lackluster and gaffe prone. Whether it’s the inadvertent pornography in his television ads, or local officials flip-flopping on their endorsements, it seems the state Senator from Grafton just can’t win.
The latest goof up are mailers, being received by North Dakota voters this week, which still portray Campbell as running for the U.S. Senate. Here’s a photo a SAB reader sent me of one mailer he received over the weekend:

Here’s part of the information from inside the envelope:
“Those mailers were sent off before Representative Cramer’s announcement for the Senate,” Campbell campaign manager Lucas Paper told me this morning. “There must have been some delay in the shipping process.”
Small mistakes can happen in any campaign, but this kind of isn’t a small mistake.
Part of the measure of a political leader is their ability to manage and administrate. We can get some insight into whether a given candidate for public office has those skills by observing how they handle their campaigns.
Campbell’s campaign has been prone to errors, and largely self funded due to something less than inspiring fundraising. Perhaps not the sort of things North Dakota Republicans are looking for in a candidate.