We’re Giving Ourselves Our Great-Grandchildren’s Tax Dollars. Listen to the Discussion Live at 11 A.m.

First, it was economic stimulus checks.
Then it was multiple-round pandemic relief payments and expanded unemployment benefits.
Now President Joe Biden’s administration, acting on a part of the Democrats’ nearly $2 trillion pandemic relief package, is set to send Americans with children hundreds of dollars every month.
Kids under 6 years old are worth $300 each, while kids age 6 to 17 are worth $250.
That adds up to thousands of dollars per year, per family, at a time when our national budget deficit is routinely measured in the multiple trillions as our total national debt closes in on $30 trillion.
This is supposed to be a temporary program, but once the money starts showing up in bank accounts, does anyone doubt there will be a move to make things permanent?
This is money we don’t have. Or, think of it another way. These are tax dollars our great-grandchildren will pay one day, and we’re just giving it to ourselves.
Talk show host Jay Thomas from WDAY AM970 in Fargo will join this episode of Plain Talk Live to discuss.
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