The cattle vs. mouse debate in NM

By Rob Nikolewski │ New Mexico Watchdog
The land battle between the federal government and local ranchers has moved into New Mexico.
JUMPER: WATER WAR: The U.S. Forest Service has locked out cattle belonging to ranchers in Otero County, N.M., because it wants to protect the habitat of the meadow jumping mouse.
In Otero County in the southern part of the state, the U.S. Forest Service has blocked cattle from a creek in order to protect the habitat of a creature most people have never heard of — the meadow jumping mouse — and that has local authorities steaming.
Click here to read New Mexico Watchdog’s coverage of the cattle vs. mouse controversy.
And the story was a topic of discussion last week on “New Mexico In Focus,” the weekly public affairs program seen throughout the state on KNME-TV.
Joining host Gene Grant is Rob Nikolewski of New Mexico Watchdog, Associated Press reporter Jeri Clausing, former New Mexico state Rep. Dan Foley and Center for Civic Policy communications director Javier Benavides:
Contact Rob Nikolewski at and follow him on Twitter @robnikolewski