The anti-vaxxers are losing one dose at a time

MINOT, N.D. — Last week a coalition of activists, with shadowy ties to right-wing interests, held an anti-vaccine rally at the Capitol in Bismarck.
From that day to Nov. 11, which as I write this is the last date for which the Department of Health has released data, there were over 13,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine administered in North Dakota.
It may not seem like it, because the anti-vaxxers make so many headlines, and are so strident and omnipresent in venues like social media, but they’re slowly losing this argument.
The average number of daily doses delivered in our state has been climbing. It hit a low in July, with just 699 doses delivered daily, but recovered to almost 2,300 daily doses in October.
The weekly averages are encouraging too. From Aug. 1 to 7, the state averaged just 961 doses per day. In the last week for which complete data is publicly available, from Oct. 31 to Nov. 6, that number was 3,344.