Sorry about that, folks

I apologize for the recent outage here on SAB.
It was the longest in the blogs nearly-18-year history, though it’s that history that made fixing it difficult.
I started Say Anything in 2003 on the Blogspot platform (which is today called Blogger and owned by Google). From there I motived it to Typepad, then Movable Type, then WordPress, then back to Movable Type, and then finally back to WordPress again.
The tens of thousands of posts on the blog are all stored in a database which had to be ported into and out of each of these platforms even as the world of online publishing around the blog evolved.
Suffice it to say that Say Anything is a creaky old beast, often a victim to my amateur web development skills, and when a plugin and WordPress update gone bad took the site down, getting it back up wasn’t an easy task.
That this happened over first the 4th of July holiday, and my long-planned family vacation to Medora, didn’t help.
Things are running again now, but I’m sure you’ve noticed that the comments are missing. Or, at least, the Disqus commenting system is gone.
I’m working on getting that back up. Getting the blog back online was the first priority. Now that it’s running again, the plan is to bring back comments, too.
Be patient, my friends.
I apologize for how inconvenient this has all been.