Ryan Taylor Complains About Doug Goehring's Out Of State Money While Taking Plenty Of His Own

Democrat Agriculture Commissioner Ryan Taylor unveiled what he’s describing as a “landowners bill of rights” today.
There’s not a lot interesting in the proposal – most of it has been debate in the legislature previously – but this comment in Taylor’s press release announcing it caught my eye:
“As your Agriculture Commissioner, you can be sure that not only will I be present, but I also will forcefully advocate for the best interests of North Dakota’s landowners, and not the out-of-state interests that are funding my opponent’s campaign,” Taylor says.
That made me curious about where the candidates are getting their money. So I went to the Secretary of State’s campaign disclosure database and looked up each candidate’s pre-primary report documenting all contributions above $250 from January 1st through the end of May, plus each candidate’s 48-hour reports which are required for any contributions above $500.
Basically, all the contributions required to be reported by each candidate this year.
Here’s what each candidate raised in total (remember, these are just the reported contributions, contributions under $250 aren’t disclosed unfortunately):
Ryan Taylor: $66,481.60
Doug Goehring: $97,800.00
By those figures, Goehring has raised 48 percent more in reportable campaign cash than Taylor.
Here are the totals for North Dakota specifically:
Ryan Taylor: $47,645
Doug Goehring: $64,750
In North Dakota, Goehring has outraised Taylor by nearly 36 percent.
When looking at the percentage of each candidate’s total fundraising that has come from out of state, we can see that Taylor has received a greater share of his total from North Dakota (though less than Goehring in actual dollars), but not by much. And both candidates are getting most of their contributions from in state.