Port: Amendment significantly improves one of North Dakota’s two book ban bills

MINOT, N.D. — Last week Sen. Janne Myrdal joined my co-host Chad Oban and me on my Plain Talk podcast for what was a respectful, albeit heated, discussion about two book ban bills making their way through the Legislature in Bismarck.
Today Myrdal, who afterward told me she enjoyed our debate, seems to have taken some of our points against the legislation to heart. She offered an amendment in the Senate Judiciary Committee today that significantly improved one of the two bills.
House Bill 1205 , introduced by House Majority Leader Mike Lefor, was, as introduced, the less odious of the bills in that it at least restricted its censorship to public libraries as opposed to Senate Bill 2360 , introduced by Sen. Keith Boehm, which seeks to censor the book offerings of private retailers as well.