Omaha Democrats have big edge in early voting

Joe Jordan | Nebraska Watchdog
The numbers you’re about to see have Democrats shocked and some Republicans furious.
They’re the numbers of early voters in Omaha, which in recent years have been evenly split or with a slight edge to the GOP.
Not so far this year.
Nebraska Watchdog has learned that with Election Day less than a month away voters identifying themselves as Democrats and picking up early ballots, either in person or by mail, outnumber Republicans by more than three to one.
And the raw numbers, provided by the Douglas County Election Commission, paint an even gloomier picture for the GOP.
- Democrat: 10,679, 65%
- Republican: 3,352, 21%
- Independent: 2,276, 14%
- Libertarian: 34, less than 1%
One Democratic source tells Nebraska Watchdog he’s never seen early voting numbers as “lopsided” as these.
Asked about the huge Democratic edge, a GOP insider said Democrats are obviously out-working Republicans adding that several key Omaha races, from Congress to the state house, are clearly ripe for Democratic wins.
At the same time any GOP doom and gloom could be offset by a late surge in GOP early votes or a big Republican turnout on Election Day.
In addition, as we all know, a registered Democrat picking up an early ballot doesn’t have to vote for Democrats, (ditto for registered Republicans, etc.)—but odds are they will.
Contact Joe Jordan at
Joe can be heard on Omaha’s KFAB radio every Monday morning at 7:40, KLIN in Lincoln every Tuesday morning at 7:35 and KHAS-AM in Hastings every Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. and 12:45 p.m.
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