Obama Ambassador To Belgium Investigated For Soliciting Sex From Prostitutes, Children

A major Obama campaign contributor, who no doubt got his gig as Ambassador to Belgium because of the campaign cash (that’s how it usually works), was being investigated for ditching is security detail to solicit sex from hookers and, allegedly, children.
But the investigation was called off:
“The agent began his investigation and had determined that the ambassador routinely ditched his protective security detail in order to solicit sexual favors from both prostitutes and minor children,” says the memo.
“The ambassador’s protective detail and the embassy’s surveillance detection team . . . were well aware of the behavior.”
Undersecretary of State for Management Patrick Kennedy ordered the investigation ceased, and the ambassador remains in place, according to the memo.
Gutman was a big Democratic donor before taking the post, having raised $500,000 for President Obama’s 2008 campaign and helping finance his inaugural.
Gutman is still the US ambassador to Belgium, by the way.
The folks in Brussels may want to keep their kids away from the US embassy for the time being, as shameful as that is.