Muslim Group Calls On Republicans To Apologize For Opposing Islamic Invocation

As I wrote at Watchdog today, Dr. Nadim Koleilat of the Bismarck Muslim Communinity Center, delivered an address to the state Senate instead (video above) after some House Republicans protested.
House leadership is now saying Dr. Koleilat will be invited back at a later date.
“North Dakota Republican Party leaders should apologize to Nadim Koleilat and to the entire Muslim community in that state,” said CAIR-MN Executive Director Jaylani Hussein. “Lawmakers of any political persuasion should reject religious bigotry and exclusion.”
You can read the full press release below.
I’ll have Mr. Hussein and (depending on how long the floor session in the state House goes today) Rep. Dwight Kiefert, who was one of the Republicans opposing the invocation, on the Jay Thomas Show on WDAY AM970 (Fargo) at 3:00pm this afternoon.
This probably won’t earn me any praise from Republicans, but I think they probably should apologize. While I can understand some consternation over Ash Wednesday being chosen as a day to have a non-Christian invocation, the whole matter was handled poorly.
North Dakota can do better. Republicans can do better. Apologize, welcome Dr. Koleilat back for an invocation, and move on.