Misdeal: Washington town wants to shut down social poker games


By Trent England | Freedom Foundation

The trouble with government is that it’s a monopoly and, ultimately, its force. Put those things together—and put people in charge—and human nature will inevitably lead to abuses. This is true even in very small governments—actually, that may be where it’s easiest to spot.

Last week, I wrote about the dispute over social card games in the City of Snohomish. Today, a similar tangle is the subject of an opinion released by the State Court of Appeals. It seems the tiny Town of Ruston has had a change of heart about social card games—it used to allow them, now it wants to shut them down. This may be because of interpersonal conflicts—the owner of a card room sued the Town alleging the law change was simply a vendetta against him. Maybe.

at Freedom Foundation.

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