Memorial Day Open Thread

I’ve been dealing with a nasty migraine all morning (I get them from time to time), and that’s kept posting light. And my schedule for this afternoon and evening is pretty tight.
At 1:00pm I’ll be recording a segment for Chris Berg’s 6:30 Point of View program which will air on Valley News Live this evening (tune in, Fargo readers!).
Then, starting at 2:00pm, I’ll be guest hosting the Jay Thomas Show until 5:00pm. You can listen online here. Call in numbers are 701-293-9000 or 888-970-9329. Or you can send me tweets, @robport.
For guests, I’ll have on NDSU student Bryce Heustis who saw his Obamacare question ignored by Senator Heidi Heitkamp during her recent Facebook question and answer.
Karyn Hippen, the Mayor of Thompson, North Dakota, will be on to describe being the first official from this state to join a pro-gay marriage group. Then Rep. Josh Boschee, a Democrat from Fargo, will be on to discuss the possibility of a lawsuit challenging North Dakota’s anti-gay marriage law.
Finally, state Treasurer Kelly Schmidt will be on to address criticism of her handling of a recent trip to North Dakota by former CIA Director David Petraeus.
After 5:00pm my family and I are out the door for a weekend of camping at Cross Ranch State Park, our favorite camping destination in North Dakota.
Regular posting will resume on Tuesday. Until then, if you absolutely must be on a computer reading a blog over what is looking to be a very nice long weekend holiday, feel free to talk among themselves.
But really, you should think about going outside.