Matt Evans: Flyer From Democrats Spreads Lies About Republican Lawmaker Larry Luick

This guest post was submitted by Matt Evans, a voter in North Dakota’s District 25.
The current chair of the ND Democratic Party is a man named Warren Larson. Last week, The ND Dem-NPL party sent a flyer to my house, that clearly said it was paid for by the Dem-NPL party, Chaired by Warren Larson.
Based on that flyer, I am very sad to report that Warren Larson is a liar.
I live in District 25, and so I received a flyer attacking District 25 State Senator Larry Luick. Senator Luick is an outstanding, hardworking man. When he’s not busy representing us, he farms and operates an excavator. I love telling my friends from out of state that my Senator drives a backhoe for a living. I’ve spent plenty of time with Senator Luick, and I know what kind of man he is. I’ll be voting for him again, and I hope you will too.
But let’s get back to the nasty flyer I got from Warren Larson. This flyer is insinuating that Senator Luick is improperly taking luxury vacations using ND tax payer money. That’s false. The flyer doesn’t come right out and make that accusation in writing, because that would be slander, which is a crime. Belly-crawling snakes like Warren Larson know better than to commit slander, but they know how to flirt with it.
Let me tell you the real story behind Larson’s lying. Our legislature meets in Bismarck for about three months, once every two years. What are they doing the rest of the time? The precise answer to that depends on which legislator you’re talking about. In the case of Senator Luick, he’s an outstanding representative for ND’s farmers. Besides being a farmer himself, he’s also the Chairman of the ND Senate Agriculture committee. He’s the most important Senator in the whole state when it comes to representing the interests of our Farmers.
As the top agriculture senator in one of the top agriculture states, it makes sense that Senator Luick would participate in national (and international) meetings and conferences where he represents our agriculture sector. Senator Luick has given North Dakota a bigger, better voice in these national discussions, and he is clearly effective. For example, he was a key part of the emergency CRP hay release in 2017, that helped our ranchers survive the drought. Real North Dakota ideas don’t get federal attention unless real North Dakotans show up to represent us. Thankfully, Senator Luick is on the job.
Of course, not all of these national agriculture functions are held in North Dakota, which means travel is involved. When I travel for work, my employer reimburses me for my travel expenses. It’s no different when someone works for the state government.
Senator Luick gets reimbursed for approved expenses he incurs while performing approved government business on behalf of North Dakotans. We know that Senator Luick has done absolutely nothing wrong on any of his government travel, because if he had, you can be sure the Democrats would have said so.
Instead, Warren Larson is dancing just on the edge of slander, painting a totally false picture of our Senator. What’s so irritating about this false attack ad is that Larson knows better. Larson authorized this lying attack ad because he is supporting Democrat Perry Miller. Perry Miller has held elected office before in Richland County, and has also been reimbursed for approved government travel. Larson knows this, but is apparently hoping you don’t.
When you attack your opponent for doing the same thing you do, there’s a special word for that: hypocrite.
Warren Larson is a lying hypocrite, who is trying to fool North Dakota voters. Don’t fall for it. We have a Senator that works his tail off for us, for our farmers, and for our nation. Please join me in voting to re-elect Senator Larry Luick, and let’s send a clear message to the State Dem-NPL leadership: lying to us doesn’t win elections, so don’t try it again.