Irony and a shower with Ohio Democrats

By Maggie Thurber | For Ohio Watchdog
Would you like to take a shower with these people?
HIT THE SHOWERS? The 2014 Ohio Democratic Party slate: Ed FitzGerald, candidate for governor; Sharon Neuhardt, candidate for lieutenant governor; John Patrick Carney, candidate for auditor; David Pepper, candidate for attorney general; Connie Pillich, candidate for treasurer; and Nina Turner, candidate for secretary of state.
Maybe an actual shower isn’t what National Democratic Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz intended when she was in Ohio last week. But it’s hard to know just what she meant when she said:
“… this state needs a shower and our candidates are that shower.”
She did realize the problem with the example when she added, “I’m making my communications staff cringe, I’m sure.”
Wasserman Schultz was one of several panelists who spoke Friday to a crowd of around 30 in Columbus about the need to elect women, equal pay for equal work and a host of other women’s issues.
HIT THE SHOWERS: U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, made some really odd statements last week in Ohio.
Also on the panel:
- Cuyahoga County Executive Ed FitzGerald, candidate for governor
- Sharen Neuhardt, candidate for lieutenant governor
- State Rep. Connie Pillich of Cincinnati, candidate for treasurer
- State Sen. Nina Turner of Cleveland, candidate for secretary of state
- U.S. Rep. Joyce Beatty of Columbus
- State Rep. Tracy Maxwell Heard of Columbus
- State Sen. Charleta Tavares of Columbus
In blasting the “extremism” of Gov. John Kasich and Secretary of State Jon Husted, Wasserman Schultz said “this is not what voters were signing up for” when electing them, and that they were “undoing” all the progress Democrats had made.
She also included Treasurer Josh Mandel who she said “is just drowning in ethical conflict and scandal.”
But doesn’t Wasserman Schultz support a president who has been mired in scandal?
What about Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS-gate, Solyndra, the Associated Press phone record scandal, the Veteran’s Administration debacle, releasing instead of deporting more than 36,000 illegal immigrants with criminal records, and, most recently, the unchecked surge of children illegally entering the country across our southern border?
Apparently a bad analogy wasn’t the only thing to make Wasserman Schultz’s communications staff cringe — if they even understood the irony of her statement in the first place.
You can reach Maggie Thurber via email at