How Doug Burgum Respects The Convention Delegates

When he announced his gubernatorial campaign back in January, Fargo businessman Doug Burgum said he would attend the party’s state convention even though he planned to pursue the party’s nomination on the June ballot.
He said he was doing this because of his esteem for the party activists who attend the convention and endorse candidates.
“I respect the more than 1,500 deeply committed and active Republicans who give so much of their time, talents, and treasure to the party,” he said.
Well I just arrived in Fargo at the Ramada Plaza in Fargo, where the NDGOP is holding their convention. As is tradition the candidates have plastered the place with their campaign materials.
Above is a photo of one of Burgum’s campaign signs, which is urging people to vote in June.
I got more than a few texts about these signs before I even reached the convention center. Delegates, at least those I’ve spoken to, don’t really feel like campaigning for the primary before the convention even begins is all that respectful of their efforts this weekend.