Democrat Lawmaker Offers Non-Apology for Hitler Memes

If your apology starts with “I’m sorry if” it’s not really an apology.
Yet that’s how Rep. Mary Adams, Hitler meme aficionado, worded a letter to the editor of theĀ Grand Forks Herald. She even started off the letter acting as if an elected official comparing the President of the United States to Hitler (not to mention wishing that he’d die or become incapacitated) isn’t newsworthy.
“With all the turmoil going on around the world, it seems my random thoughts are the most newsworthy,” she wrote. “I am truly sorry if my posts offended anyone. As with social media, not all is what it seems.”
Not all is what it seems? You can look at what Adams posted for yourself. The meaning seems pretty straightforward to me.
It would be nice of Adams offered more in the way of explanation, but when she was approached on the issue by reporter John Hageman she declined to comment, something theĀ Grand Forks Herald took her to task for in a recent editorial.
Adams isn’t sorry for posting ugly, hateful things on Facebook. She didn’t even really say she was sorry for that. She said she was sorry if anyone was offended. Which isn’t the same thing at all.
What she offered was a non-apology, which while common in politics, is hardly meaningful.
“I truly am concerned about the welfare of the citizens of our great state,” Adams concludes in her letter. Unless, of course, those citizens are supporters of the President. In which case they’re Nazis, I guess.
Adams clearly isn’t fit for public service.