D.C. insider: GOP’s Terry is Election Day underdog

Joe Jordan | Nebraska Watchdog
State Sen. Brad Ashford

Rep, Lee Terry
For the first time in over 20 years a Democrat is favored, although just barely, to take the Omaha House seat.
A key Washington insider, the Rothenburg Political Report, has made a last minute move putting Democrat Brad Ashford ahead of 8-term incumbent Congressman Lee Terry.
Most recently rated a “Pure Tossup” Nebraska’s 2nd District is now billed “Tossup/Tilts Democratic.”
In his 16 years on Capitol Hill, Terry has never gone into Election Day as the underdog—the last Democrat favored to win the seat was then-incumbent Congressman Peter Hoagland in 1992.
According to Rothenburg:
“There was a brief moment when…Terry…looked like he was going to pull through to win another term. That episode may be over…even though Republicans unleashed a brutal television ad on Oct. 17.”
Rothenburg is referring to the National Republican Congressional Campaign’s 30 second commercial which placed Ashford side by side with convicted killer Nikko Jenkins—some insiders think it has backfired.
By the way Rothenburg adds there’s one Omaha Democrat who must be “kicking himself.” That’s City Council President Pete Festersen who got in the race, then out, back in and finally out.
Rothenburg says had Festersen run, “this race would be over.”
Contact Joe Jordan at joe@nebraskawatchdog.org.
Joe can be heard on Omaha’s KFAB radio every Monday morning at 7:40, KLIN in Lincoln every Tuesday morning at 7:35 and KHAS-AM in Hastings every Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. and 12:45 p.m.
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