7 reasons why America is totally screwed


By Bre Payton and Adam Tobias | Watchdog.org

FREE?: Some here at Watchdog.org are skeptical of our nation’s future, while some think we are doing just fine. Here’s 7 reasons why we think America is totally screwed.

America is no longer the land of the free.

Police are spying on its citizens with cell-phone trackers and license plate scanners while scooping up military equipment and showing it off.

Neither are we home to the brave.

Veterans are dying, and not just overseas. We’re killing them in our VA hospitals while prioritizing solar panels.

Here are 7 reasons why America is totally screwed:

1. The police are completely and totally out of control

Police can:

Literally search your butt, not find anything at all, and keep their jobs.

Intimidate your local bar into spying on you.

Buy insane military equipment, like mine-resistant vehicles.

And film recruiting commercials showing off their gear.

Seriously, how many lands mines have the police run over in the past century?

And if you live in Virginia, they are totally taking photos of your license plate right now.

Seriously, go look outside. Police took photos of this reporter’s license plate 16 times, mostly when her car was parked outside of her home, at night. And it happened to this guy 20 times.

2. Your home isn’t safe at all from paramilitary-style raids if power-hungry judges and prosecutors don’t like what you’re saying.

If district attorneys, judges and prosecutors don’t like your policies or politics, apparently they can open John Doe investigations and authorize “early-morning, paramilitary-style” raids at homes — all in a campaign to cripple First Amendment rights.

3. Veterans get no love.

forrest gump

The federal government can’t even provide adequate health care to its veterans.

But hey, at least they’ve got the carbon footprint thing covered. Like when officials spent millions on solar panels while veterans, you know, died waiting for care.

#awkward #priorities

4. Americans are failing really badly at this whole voting thing.

Almost 7 million Americans are registered to vote in two or more states, Watchdog.org revealed last week. Unfortunately, this figure only includes data from 28 states, and none from large states like California, Texas and Florida.

California doesn’t even have a statewide voter database setup. The Golden State is still waiting on the same company that botched Healthcare.gov to set it up. #fail

5. Team USA’s run at the 2014 World Cup is over.

world cup

They gave up two goals in overtime to Belgium on Tuesday. Team USA fan’s are completely without hope until 2018.

6. Socialists are set to collapse a multibillion-dollar city economy.

sandwhich fail

It was nice to know you, Seattle. Sure, your overcast days and rainy weather weren’t great, but we really enjoyed Seahawk football and Sounders soccer.

Now that avowed Socialist Kshama Sawant is in charge, though, Seattle soon will be on the fast-track to becoming the next Detroit. Seattle could make Detroit look like paradise, even.

A $15-an-hour minimum wage will shutter businesses, drive up prices and make life harder for youth and minorities, who often benefit the most from entry-level jobs.

San Diego is not far behind.

A minimum-wage proposal to raise the wage to $11.50 an hour is in the works.

Not only would the proposal spike the rate in 2017, it also would increase to an undetermined and unpredictable amount each year based on a wonky inflation index.

7. There are still two more years of Obama and pen:


Please, let there be a fast-forward button.

RELATED: If you’re looking for something more optimistic, here’s 7 reasons to be hopeful for America’s future.

Bre can be reached at bpayton@watchdog.org, Adam can be reached at atobias@watchdog.org.