We can’t fix gas prices until the left admits we need oil

MINOT, N.D. — President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party are not to blame for spiking gas prices. There are many variables contributing to that situation, many of them beyond the control of American political leaders.
For instance, nobody in America told Vladimir Putin to launch a bloody war of aggression against Ukraine.
But Biden and the Democrats absolutely deserve blame for creating a political situation here in America that makes it extremely difficult for our oil and gas industry to adapt in ways that could, at the very least, slow price growth at the pumps.
The hostility from the left to domestic production of oil and gas is nothing new, though it is hypocritical given how often Democrats find themselves supportive of foreign production. One of Biden’s first efforts to address gas prices last year involved asking for more oil production, not from American producers, that pay American taxes and employ American workers, but from Saudi Arabia.