UND Offering 12 Week, Two Credit Course Focusing on Wearing Pants, Leaving Voicemail

Apparently the University of North Dakota is offering a 12 week course in “adulting.”
Grand Forks radio host Ryan Cunningham sends me this picture advertising the course which will apparently instruct students in “wearing pants” and “leaving voicemail.”
And yes, it is real:
The flyer is sarcasm, I’m sure. I don’t think they’re going to be instructing the students in how to put on and wear pants.
At least I hope not.
All joking aside, I like the concept of the class. There are a lot of aspects of living an adult life that we take for granted. Things like credit cards, mortgages, taxes, and insurance can be confusing. Making mistakes with them can be costly.
If we can help kids understand these things, and perhaps avoid some of the mistakes we made with them when we were young, that’s to the good isn’t it?
What troubles me isn’t so much that UND is offering this class, but rather that there’s a need for it.
Adults, even young adults, shouldn’t need college-level courses in this stuff. That they apparently do is a failure of our K-12 public education system. But even more so, it’s a failure of we parents.
The cost of higher education is high enough without students needing to burden themselves paying for these sort of courses.
As your kids near adulthood, consider working with them to ensure they don’t need to pay whatever college they go to for classes in how to be an adult.