Read What North Dakota Democrats Are Proposing for the Upcoming Special Session


North Dakota Democrats today held a press conference to announce their alternative to the special session budgeting plan that Republicans, uh, haven’t announced yet.

I haven’t had a chance to read this proposal thoroughly, and digest fully its implications, but I wanted to share the proposal with you readers immediately.

You can read the actual legislation to be introduced here (it’s being sponsored by Senator Tim Mathern of Fargo). Below is a line-item summary of the legislation and its impacts on revenues and spending as prepared by Legislative Council.

I will commend the Democrats for being so transparent about their proposal. In their press statement today Senate Minority Leader Mac Schneider, usually prone to the worst sort of partisan exaggeration, is quoted as saying he and his fellow liberals were laying their cards on the table and that they hoped Republicans would do the same.

I agree. They should. This is a pivotal point in North Dakota’s history. The public be kept in the loop.

I’m told Republicans will be releasing their proposal next week.

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