Rauschenberger Taking Unpaid Of Leave Of Absence To Get Alcohol Treatment

north dakota

Just got this in my email inbox from Tax Commissioner Ryan Rauschenberger:

After conferring with friends and family, I have decided to take a temporary unpaid leave of absence effective today to seek additional professional help. As I said before, I believe my prognosis is good and I expect to be back at work and on the campaign trail in just a few weeks. I am also confident that my management team and staff at the Tax Department will continue to provide exceptional service to the people of North Dakota in my absence.

Sources I spoken to who are close to Rauschenberger say the length of the leave of absence hasn’t been determined yet. That’s likely to hinge on the level of treatment he’s going to need.

Regardless, he’ll be on hiatus at least for a couple of weeks. When he comes back, he’ll have some serious questions to answer from the public about whether or not he’s fit to continue as Tax Commissioner.