Port: Who runs for governor if Doug Burgum doesn’t seek a third term?

MINOT, N.D. — Gov. Doug Burgum is running for president. That might mean he won’t seek a third term as governor.
Burgum’s current term is up next year, though he has a lot of runway to make a decision. To be fair to other potential candidates, he’d probably need to be in or out by December or January, though as a strictly legal matter, to put his name on the June primary ballot for the Republican nomination, he’d have to submit his signatures by mid-April next year.
The North Dakota Republican Party typically holds its endorsing convention in late March, or early April, though given that the party has been taken over by people who don’t like Burgum very much, it seems unlikely, at this point, that he’d bother attending.
I asked Burgum about this during a podcast interview back in May, before he officially announced his presidential campaign. At the time he wasn’t committing to anything, though he made it clear that the state’s new term limits laws, which he supports, wouldn’t be an obstacle for him.