Port: The NDGOP may be a wet blanket on Doug Burgum’s presidential aspirations


MINOT, N.D. — Two very consequential things are happening in North Dakota politics this month.

One that is very much on the public’s radar is Gov. Doug Burgum’s nascent presidential campaign, which launches officially today, June 7. Burgum is positioning himself as a back-to-basics, pro-business alternative to the frontrunning culture warriors, specifically Gov. Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump, who, probably correctly, see the path to the Republican nomination paved with vitriolic obsession over things like Target merchandise and Bud Light marketing, or whatever other stupid thing is trending on Twitter that day.

If the culture war is the Make America Great Again brand, Burgum is a Make Government Boring Again guy. Is that a winning strategy? Or at least one that can influence the race for president?

My heart wants me to type “yes.” My brain, alas, says “no.”

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