Port: One lawmaker’s petty feud with Gov. Burgum puts North Dakota’s economic wellbeing at risk

MINOT, N.D. — Over the last few decades, North Dakota has prided itself as being a place that’s open for business.
The over-zealous regulation and miasmas of ideological obstructionism that are so often roadblocks to industry and commerce in other states are less of a problem here, and that’s on purpose. Our governing philosophy here, over three decades of Republican control of state government, has been rooted in the idea that North Dakotans have a right to use their land to create opportunity and prosperity for themselves and others.
Sen. Jeff Magrum, less a principled conservative than a populist firebrand with an ax to grind, didn’t get that memo.
In a fit of legislative monomania, driven in no small part by his vendetta against Gov. Doug Burgum, Magrum has filed no fewer than eight bills targeting the carbon capture industry .