Port: Mystery company donated nearly 20% of funds to committee supporting Doug Burgum


MINOT, N.D. — The Best of America PAC, a political action committee aligned with, but officially independent from, Gov. Doug Burgum’s presidential campaign, recently released its first fundraising report to the FEC.

The numbers are strong. Very strong, in fact. In a previous column I asked how Burgum would raise his national name identification enough to comply with the polling prerequisites to be on the stage for the second GOP debate.

The answer is this PAC. The committee filed its organizational papers with the Federal Election Commission on June 7, the same day Burgum officially announced his campaign in Fargo, and as of June 30 reported receiving $11,031,500 in large-dollar donations.

Emily Benavides, a spokesperson for the PAC, has already made public the committee’s first national ad touting the candidate.

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