Port: Hoeven and Cramer on the wrong side of history, and probably their constituents, on same-sex marriage


MINOT, N.D. — Yesterday a bill to codify same-sex marriage in federal law passed cloture in the United States Senate. Basically, a supermajority vote to end any filibuster of the bill so that it can proceed to a final vote where it will pass or fail based on a simple majority.

Both of North Dakota’s senators voted against advancing the bill .

“Same-sex marriage is protected under the Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision and the 14th Amendment,” Sen. John Hoeven said in a released statement explaining his vote. “My concern with this bill is that it doesn’t adequately protect religious freedom, that includes both individuals and businesses based on sincerely held religious beliefs, as well as religious organizations.”

“Today’s vote is the first step leading to the normalization of religious discrimination, and it’s a bridge too far,” Senator Kevin Cramer said in his own statement . “The Respect for Marriage Act opens up religious institutions and non-profits to senseless litigation challenging the First Amendment liberties enshrined in our Constitution. I wish the federal government never got involved in the marriage business in the first place. Marriage is instituted by God and enforced by His church, it should have stayed that way.”

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